The registration of a trademark ensures the protection of a distinctive sign, used to identify your goods and services and to differentiate them from those of your competitors. The protection conferred by this registration is for 10 years, renewable indefinitely in Mauritius as well as in France. The “Trademark Registration Packs” are thus intended for any person (individual or legal entity) wishing to register one or more trademarks in Mauritius and/or France.
- Content:
- Preparation of the application file for the registration of the trademark
- All necessary follow-ups with the IPO until reception of an answer concerning the registration/refusal of registration of the mark
- Delivery of the registration certificate(s)
- The steps necessary to contest a refusal by the IPO or to comply with certain requirements during the procedure
- The steps necessary to contest an objection or to deal with any dispute
OPTION 1 (RECOMMANDED) – Availability Search
To ensure that the trademark you wish to file in Mauritius is available and to avoid any risk of challenge or opposition when applying for registration, we recommend that you carry out an availability search prior to filing the application. In Mauritius, these searches must be carried out directly at the Intellectual Property Office. The results of our search will be compiled in a summary and sent to your attention, before the filing formalities are initiated.
OPTION 2 (Mandatory for the non-resident applicant): Drafting and registration of the necessary power for filing formalities
If the applicant is a foreign entity (natural or legal person) without a permanent establishment or residence in Mauritius, the Mauritian law provides that the filing must be made through a legal practionner (i.e. a Barrister-at-Law registered at the Mauritian Bar). For this purpose, a power of attorney will need to be drawn up, appointing Ms. Parent Lagesse, of PLCJ, as your agent for the conduct of these formalities. This power of attorney will have to be registered with the local authorities (Registrar General) against payment of the corresponding fees, and this power of attorney will have to be produced at the time of filing with the corresponding forms.
- Content:
- Preparation of the application file for the registration of the trademark
- All necessary follow-ups with the INPI until reception of an answer concerning the registration/refusal of registration of the mark
- Delivery of the registration certificate(s)
- The steps necessary to contest a refusal by the INPI or to comply with certain requirements during the procedure
- The steps necessary to contest an objection or to deal with any dispute
In our capacity as agent, we will require a special power of attorney for each trademark in order to carry out the registrations on your behalf. This pack therefore also provides you with a template, which we will leave to you to fill in.
N.B. : Our fees do not include the steps related to the filing of an application for recognition of an INPI title in French Polynesia. If you wish to undertake such a procedure, we invite you to contact us by email, and we will send you an estimate.
OPTION 1 (RECOMMANDED) : Basic Availabiliy Search
In order to ensure that the trademark you wish to register in France is available, we recommend that you conduct an availability search. In France, these searches are performed directly on the INPI’s online register. In this respect, we offer you to proceed with a search of identical and similar trademarks to the one(s) you wish to register. The results of our search will be compiled in a summary and sent to your attention, before the filing formalities are initiated.
OPTION 2 : A Thorough Availability Search
If you wish, we can also carry out a more in-depth availability search on the following elements:
- Register on the INPI trademark register in 1 to 3 classes: and/or
- Search the register of “company names” in 1 to 3 GAS [1]; and/or
- Domain name register search.
The results of our search will be compiled in a summary and sent to your attention, before the filing formalities are initiated.
[1] GAS : Groupings of similar activities, which group together NAF codes with similar activity titles. (Groupements d’activités similaires, qui regroupent des codes NAF ayant des intitulés d’activités proches.)